Monday, 25 June 2012

Thing 6 - Online Networks

I'll just have a quick skim over this, as I previously completed it, and don't have that much to add.  I  previously joined LinkedIn, and it is very business oriented, but a good way to connect, as I've joined the CILIP group, amongst others.  I don't use it a lot, though.
LISNP (LIS New Professionals) is another group that I'm a member of, but don't really use that much.  I look in from time to time, and there is some activity, in particular about meetups and Library Camps, so it's worth a glance.
LAT, or Librarians as Teachers network is not at all busy, and not really related to my work, so not of interest to me.
CILIP Communities - I am now a member of CILIP so can access and post on these, but haven't really done much.  I do get email updates which are of interest, though.  Having a quick glance at the latest updates, there are a few discussions going on, and useful professional information being posted, so I will try to have a more regular look.
Facebook - as I've mentioned previously, I use Facebook for my personal life, although I do have some professional connections on there, but not of work colleagues!  I prefer to keep it that way.
Google+ - I have joined this, but not a lot of other people have, so I haven't used it that much.  I did try to use a Google Hangout, as Skype has gotten harder to use since being bought out by Microsoft, but it kept crashing. It really needs to get more popular, I think, before it's any sort of Facebook competitor.
Pinterest is one I haven't tried yet, I may give it a go as it seems very popular at the moment.

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