Monday, 16 July 2012

Things 8 and 9 - Google Calendar and Evernote

Thing 8 - Google Calendar - I looked at this just a few months ago, and so I'll just review it again quickly. It's a good, useful calendar but I just don't need it at the moment.  If I ever need to arrange things online though, or while moving around, it's definitely worth considering.  My Outlook does the job for me now, and I even like to keep paper calendars at home! 

Thing 9 - Evernote - I have used this at home (there are issues using it at work due to our firewalls), and you can even download an app for your phone.  I did download it for my phone, but don't use the internet enough to bother keeping it.  It's handy to keep and organise references as you think of them, so you don't have to worry about remembering which webpage you were looking at 3 days ago.  I've still got it, but haven't gotten into the habit of using it that much, yet!

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