Monday, 21 May 2012

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!

I'm rejoining CPD23 Things again, hopefully to finish it in line with the schedule this time.  Really, I've already done the first 7 things, but a review is no harm!  Last week I went to the CILIP Wales 2012 conference, as well as attending a meet-up to discuss CPD23 Things after work, so I've really properly explored Thing 7 now. 
The meet-up was an enjoyable few hours having a couple of drinks and general chat about what is involved, and how it can be useful career-wise.  The conference was useful, interesting and exhausting in equal measures, plus added cake, which is always a Good Thing.  It was particularly good to see the Welsh Minister for Housing Regeneration and Heritage (libraries are in the last bit!) Huw Lewis show such interest in public libraries and say how important the Welsh Government thought they were.  There was also a fascinating talk on the redevelopment of Birmingham Public Library, which looks magnificent, and well worth a visit.  Phil Bradley boggled everyone with the massive diversity of online social media available, a real eye-opener.  It was nice to meet up with someone on my Masters course, as well!

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